5 Home Security Tips For Baltimore
Most people want to feel safe in their own homes. But what can you do to find that peaceful feeling? From smart lights to home security systems, here are five home security tips for Baltimore that you can easily use. Use these steps, and you'll be able to feel cozy in your safe and shielded home.
Baltimore Home Security Tip #1: Bring Light To Your House
Outside light fixtures are one of the topmost barriers for home intruders in Baltimore. That's because intruders want to be in the shadows where nobody can notice them. An illuminated porch and walkway means less places to stay out of sight as well as gives the appearance there’s people at home.
To make sure your home is illuminated enough, walk around your house to find potential shadowy areas. Deck and detached garage areas are perfect spots to install a security. A decorative lighted pole by the curb or solar lights can brighten a walkway or garden. Then flip on your front porch lighting. Just make sure to flip on the lights each evening, or program them with your Baltimore security system to turn on at the same time every night.
Baltimore Home Security Tip #2: Lock Up Your Doors
Locking your doorways is an easy thing to do, but locked doors are many times overlooked. How often have you come downstairs just to find the door unlocked? Or arrived home from work with the garage standing wide open?
Smart locks make your life easier and they may be the solution to this problem. Through an app, you can check your locks' status and virtually secure your locks. Assign every member of your family a unique code, and receive a text when your kids come home. Or program your doors to secure automatically 30 seconds after the door closes. You can even install a garage door sensor that shows you when it’s left open.
Baltimore Home Security Tip #3: Use Your Neighbors
It’s nice when you have an added set of eyes looking over your house. Actually, your next door neighbor might be the first to find a lurker scoping out your house or an unfamiliar car in the drive when you're out and about. Neighborhood friends are also needed when other emergencies happen when you're away, such as flooded basements or smoke streaming from your doors.
Make sure to alert a trusted neighbor when you leave for a getaway. If they see anything unusual, they should visit your house and call you or emergency services. Swap keys personally or set a temporary PIN if you own a smart lock. Just remember that you’ll also have to also play watchdog when they’re on vacation.

Baltimore Home Security Tip #4: Put up Security Cameras
Outdoor cameras will show a part of your house that isn't viewable from your windows, like by your garage or cellar door. An indoor camera can help you see what's making all that noise in the middle of the night. And a doorbell camera is a great device to stop deliveries from disappearing from the porch.
Placing a security camera on your Baltimore house or on your door used to be problematic, as cumbersome wires always seemed to get in the way. Thankfully, your security company can now put a camera virtually anywhere and sync it to your security hub with z-wave wireless technology. Then view clips or receive alerts through your security app when your cameras see suspicious movement.
Baltimore Home Security Tip #5: Protect Yourself With A Home Security System
Installing a modern alarm system could be the ideal method to feel completely secure in your house. You can easily play around with your smart lighting, smart locks, and video cameras by using the system’s touchscreen or mobile app. Then include services like motion detectors, glass break sensors, and enhanced smoke alarms.
If a device does pick something up, your monitoring professionals have everything under control. They'll contact you quickly to make sure that you and your family are ok, then contact emergency dispatch. And by using alarm monitoring services, you’re more protected no matter where you are!
Order Your Baltimore Home Security System From Secure24 Alarm Systems
Contact Secure24 Alarm Systems and put these home security tips into action. From smart locks to motion alarms, we'll develop the best home security system for your needs. Just call (410) 934-3289 or send in the form below to get started.